Wolfs quickly becomes ‘most viewed movie in Apple TV+ history’
Apple may have canceled the film’s wide theatrical debut, but Wolfs has become a hit with Apple TV+ subscribers. The company announced that Wolfs has become ‘the most viewed movie in Apple TV+ history’ and led to a huge increase in overall TV+ vi...
Some Intel Linux Driver Maintainers Have Left The Company
With the recent Intel layoffs and early retirement / buyout packages, I have been curious to see what impact it will have on the open-source/Linux software engineers at the company. There's at least a few driver maintainers that have unfortunately depa...
Schedule for openSUSE.Asia Summit is Published
The schedule for this year’s openSUSE.Asia Summit is out and features a diverse lineup of talks highlighting advancements in open-source and with the project. This year’s event takes place in Tokyo, Japan, and is a two-day event running from Nov. 2...
Microsoft confirms major Xbox outage
If you are having issues with Xbox services, you are not alone. Microsoft confirmed a major outage and is currently investigating the situation. Read more...