
The All-New Feed The Dev

Feed The Dev
Feed The Dev

I’m excited to announce an all-new version of Feed The Dev that I’ve been working on for the past few months! It is now an aggregate website for development and technology news and articles that combines sources from all over the internet into a single, easy-to-use website.

The website works by using RSS and Atom feeds. If you would like to see which feeds are included or even add your own, check out the Github repository that contains the feeds.json file with all of the sources. Feel free to submit a pull request with any additions!

I purchased the domain for Feed The Dev a while ago with the intention of creating exactly such an aggregate website but then decided to make a blog out of it instead. I ended up turning my old technology blog, Developer’s Notebook, into Feed The Dev. Since I haven’t been posting on that blog, I decided to return Feed The Dev to the purpose I originally intended for it.


Of course, we have to discuss the technology stack I used to create it. And it might surprise some of you. I chose none other than PHP with the Symfony framework to build the site. Since it’s also hosted on Linux and uses a MariaDB database, you might even say I chose your classic LAMP stack.

The question, as with any tech stack, is why I chose it. Well, my reasons are entirely pragmatic. I rent a virtual server running Ubuntu that hosts several WordPress websites. These use PHP and MariaDB. Since one of my server administration philosophies is to reduce the amount of packages installed on a server to a bare, safe minimum, I didn’t want to install Node or anything else on it. Plus, I already have a deployment process in place for PHP sites and would have to create everything from scratch for a different technology. Therefore, I chose PHP.

The other primary reason is that if I ever need to move it to its own server LAMP stack servers are cheap and available everywhere. That is not the case with Node, for example, where you would need to rent a virtual or root server which could be significantly more expensive.

The development experience was interesting since I frequently used Symfony over a decade ago and some things have changed quite a bit in the meantime. I will write another post about that soon.


In any case, I hope you enjoy the new version of Feed The Dev and of course, I would welcome any feedback or pull requests with feeds you would like to see on there.

You can find the website at

Developer’s Notebook Becomes Feed The Dev

Feed The Dev

I am excited to announce that Developer’s Notebook is in the process of being rebranded to Feed The Dev! With the new platform, comes a new name and, at some point in the future, a new logo and new features.

The purpose of the rebranding is multifaceted. First and foremost, it should reflect the goal of our website. We want to “feed” developers with interesting articles, useful tips and experiences as well as news and other development-related information. The new name more clearly reflects this.

There are also a number of other reasons why this rebranding is taking place and a lot of them have to do with future plans we have for the website. I’m not going to talk about them in this post, but it will make more sense once we start releasing them.

Changing a brand takes time a lot of work, so bear with us while we change the name on GitHub, social media, Ko-fi and other websites. We will also add redirects from the old website to the new one so that any old links will still work as expected.

We hope you enjoy what we have planned as well as the content we already have. Any feedback is welcome which can be sent to us via the contact page.

You can visit the new website here: