Immersed Visor aims to be a Vision Pro Lite for $1,050
Immersed Visor is a new headset aiming to fill the middle ground between simple ‘face monitors’ like the $440 Viture One XR and the self-contained $3,500 Vision Pro. Weighing about the same as an iPhone 16 Pro, it’s priced at $1,050, though there...
The Fastest AArch64 Linux Distribution On The 192-Core AmpereOne
When it comes to the question of the fastest x86_64 Linux distribution the answer is very easy with Intel's Clear Linux. But what about in the AArch64 world? When having the AmpereOne server in the lab curiosity got the best of me and I ran benchmarks ...
Cloud architects: Try thinking like a CFO
When I ran architecture teams, I gave one piece of advice that often surprised people: “We need to think like CFOs and not CIOs.” I voiced this reminder whenever the work veered away from, “What business value are we seeking?” toward, “Who h...