
May 2024

Single Page Applications vs Multi-Page Applications

SPAs and MPAs are popular ways of creating web apps, but both have their pros and cons. In this article, we explore their benefits and detriments.

May 13, 2024

Linker: May 12, 2024

In this installment of Linker, we link to topics about GUIs, OS/2, Swift on Windows, email that will never die, and floppy disks. There is a heavy emphasis on retro computing this time.

May 12, 2024

A Website Full of Web-Based Mac Emulators

I previously discussed how to emulate Mac OS 8 and 9 on modern computers. Recently, I was shown Infinite Mac, a website that allows emulation of these and earlier Mac OS versions directly in your browser. From System 1.0 to Mac OS 9.2.2, most major releases are available. This suite offers a convenient and innovative way to experience classic Mac OS without downloads or installations.

May 12, 2024

Feed The Dev on Mastodon

This is just a brief announcement to say that Feed the Dev has Mastodon.

May 11, 2024