
Linker: April 26, 2024

April 26, 2024
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“Linker” is a series of posts published semi-regularly that feature interesting links from around the internet. This installment features links about estimating software projects, rebuilding Darwin from source, repatriating from the cloud and more!

Why we suck at estimating software projects. This is an interesting article about why software estimation is mostly a pointless task because it’s nearly impossible to estimate software development with much accuracy. The article certainly resonates with the experience I’ve had over the years as a professional software developer.

Rebuilding Darwin from source: Part 1 Qemu. Anyone interested in building old software might find this post interesting. The author rebuilt the Darwin kernel using Qemu and used it to run Rhapsody which is a “bridge” operating system between NeXTSTEP/OPENSTEP and Mac OS X. He includes the steps he took accompanied by screenshots.

Unix Switchers. This is an old article from Daring Fireball from 2002 about how the then-new Mac OS X attracted users of Linux and Unix rather than Windows. It’s over twenty years old but is still a fascinating glimpse of how the introduction of Mac OS X caused waves in the tech community at the time.

Do you need to repatriate from the cloud? This is an interesting article about the new trend of companies leaving cloud services like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. As with lots of things, it is a constant back-and-forth. The next trend will be back to the cloud.

Docker vs VM: What’s the Difference, and Why You Care! In this video, Dave from Dave’s Garage on YouTube explains what exactly is the difference between virtual machines and Docker containers. It is extremely informative and I can recommend it for anyone who works with VMs or containers.

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About the Author

Alex Seifert
Alex is a developer, a drummer and an amateur historian. He enjoys being on the stage in front of a large crowd, but also sitting in a room alone, programming something or writing about technology and history.

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