
Linker: April 19, 2024

April 19, 2024
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“Linker” is a series of posts published semi-regularly that feature interesting links from around the internet. This installment features links about Microsoft scaling Git, the Brave Browser as well as a fun project a YouTuber undertook to port thousands of apps back to Windows 95.

How Microsoft scales Git for massive monorepos. This is a fascinating insight as to how Microsoft has adapted Git for the massive monorepos they have for Windows, Office and other large, global-scale projects.

Stop using Brave Browser. I’ve used a lot of browsers throughout the years, but only recently started using Brave when Google introduced Manifest V3 which will restrict what ad blockers are capable of in Chromium-based browsers. Brave is, of course, Chromium-based, but has a built-in ad blocker that isn’t affected by Manifest V3. After reading this, however, I am switching again. I wasn’t aware of its or its founder’s history and have no interest in supporting them. Therefore, back to Firefox it is for me.

ECMAScript 2024 features you can use now. With ECMAScript 2024, JavaScript is gaining a few new features that will make life a lot easier for developers and save them a lot of boilerplate code.

Thousands of apps ported back to Windows 95 twenty-eight years later. This seems like an absurd waste of time, but like a whole lot of fun. I love these kinds of projects even if they don’t have any real-life value. There is also a YouTube video the porter made about it:

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About the Author

Alex Seifert
Alex is a developer, a drummer and an amateur historian. He enjoys being on the stage in front of a large crowd, but also sitting in a room alone, programming something or writing about technology and history.

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