
Announcing the Developer’s Notebook Podcast

August 14, 2020
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I’m excited to announce that the first episode of The Developer’s Notebook Podcast has made its debut and that this officially marks the beginning of the podcast.

The Developer’s Notebook Podcast is a show that will cater to a nerdy crowd. Much like the website, it will feature topics related to computers, programming, workplace advice for developers, retro computing and more, but will be a bit more conversational and casual.

How to Subscribe

The podcast is available on several different common channels such as:

It is also available as a standalone RSS feed here:

For those of you who use YouTube, you can also subscribe on the Developer’s Notebook YouTube channel.

Of course, subscribing to this website either by using its RSS feed or by email (below in the footer) will also get you all of the latest podcast episodes as well as the latest articles.

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About the Author

Alex Seifert
Alex is a developer, a drummer and an amateur historian. He enjoys being on the stage in front of a large crowd, but also sitting in a room alone, programming something or writing about technology and history.

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— Alex Seifert, Founder and Writer